As Kelly Yancey wrote ...
> > 
> >    3b) Examination of the drive(s) in question for any cooling or
> >        mounting deficiencies.  Depending on the SCSI errors in question,
> >        I might even investigate firmware updates for the drive(s).
> > 
>   I actually used to get these *exact* errors a couple of years ago on
> various 2.x systems. At first, I had assumed a bug in the driver (the ahc
> driver was noted as still having some bugs at the time, if I recall
> correctly). The errors would rare (every month or so, but they would come 
> in batches). I kept upgrading, from 2.1.5, through 2.2.5 hoping that the
> errors would go away. Now, my ignorance being point out, it turned out
> that the errors were actually heat-induced.

Another interesting cause for problems is duff powersupplies. As the
proverb goes "every machine is as good as it's PSU". E.g. I just struggeled
with a DLT tape unit that inexplicable reset itself. After examining the
5Volts rail with a scope I found glitches on it whenever the drive did a 
bit of rewinding (dropping out of streaming mode). Had me stumped for a

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