On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Ted Sikora wrote:

> It is HOTTER under FreeBSD. Immediatelly upon boot-up it's 26F
> hotter under FreeBSD than under Linux. Sometime after 3.4-RC and 
> now this started. (I follow the stable branch via CVSup) Under
> 3.3-STABLE the temerature was always the same as Linux...cool averaging
> 89F for the CPU's. Now it's over 113F under FreeBSD only. I know it's
> wierd but the machine does not lie. Under Linux it's the same as before
> 87-89F.

The big question of course is are you sure the machine's not lying?

I agree with you that i't unlikely that it's a fundamental hardware
problem (like you're getting no air flow) if Linux still reports sane
temperatures. But it seems quite reasonable that somehow temperture
reading broke for your hardware when you upgraded.

Two easy ways to settle the issue would be either to get a thermocouple
thermometer, put the thermocouple in the case, and see exactly what
happens with the case temperature. Another easy way to settle it is to get
the voltages being returned for the temperature sensors as opposed to the
reported temperature. If the voltages are the same under the two OS's,
then it's definitly a reporting error. :-)

Take care,


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