On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 12:34:58PM -0500, Michael Bacarella wrote:
> A BSDI represenative tried for days to convince me over the phone why I
> should pay for BSD/OS even though FreeBSD was free, or at least a CD
> order away, and FreeBSD even has source code.
> I asked about why we should buy a product that we don't have the source
> code to, and he simply said "because the (cr)hackers don't have our code."

As long as BSDI Inc. sells/sold source licenses to more than just
a _very_ low amount of people, "they" always will have/had the
BSD/OS sources as well.
You might as well argue that "they" don't use any Windows Betas,
as Microsoft doesn't directly hand them out to "them".  Oh, yes,
and of course "they" would never be able to get their hands on
DeCSS-sourcecode, as those are kept in private.
Add whatever product you wish to this list.


Someone should do a study to find out how many human life spans have
been lost waiting for NT to reboot.
              Ken Deboy on Dec 24 1999 in comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc

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