In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sergey Babkin writes:
: 1. When the card is physically removed inform the driver that it
: should shut down and don't try to get to the card afterwards. That means
: it would handle some subset of configuration requests and delay or
: throw away any data transfer requests.
: 2. Later take any neccessary amount of time to clean up the things.

We've been through this on the pccard stuff.  In that case, you have a 
few milliseconds to cease all access to the hardware.  In the CPCI
case you'd have on the order of a second.  The CPCI spec says that a
board shall have a led and a removal switch.  The removal switch is
put into the remove position, and the user is supposed to wait for the 
led to light (or was that go out) before removing the card.  Even if
he/she/it doesn't, it will take about a second to remove the card
after frobbing the switch.

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