> > > Perhaps this is the wrong list to post this question, but has there been
> > > any work done on a script (similar to what Slackware Linux uses) that
> > > asks the user questions ("Do you want to run SCO binaries", etc) and
> > > configures a kernel conf file for them?
> > > 
> > > If not, I'll volunteer to write one...
> > 
> > Not useful; there's a single-line edit in /etc/rc.conf that does 
> > everything that's required.
> That's just a bad example, linux has a loadable module for iBCS too.
> Do you have a scsi card?
> Do you have a sound card?
> ... etc.
> I think its useful if it gets linux people less afraid of FreeBSD.

I'm not sure we want those sort of people.   But there's already a 
script that behaves like this and writes a standard config file; search 
the list archives.

> Of course its an ugly stop-gap, the whole kernel is moving to a more
> dynamic model.  Eventually all drivers will be a one-line edit to
> loader.conf, or something along those lines...

Ideally, no interaction at all will be required.
\\  The mind's the standard       \\  Mike Smith
\\  of the man.                   \\  msm...@freebsd.org
\\    -- Joseph Merrick           \\  msm...@cdrom.com

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