"Brian F. Feldman" wrote:
> Geez, why don't we just write our own compiler and linker, assembler,
> and everything? Let's get every last bit of GNU out of our system, for
> no reason! This kind of NIH is not necessary, and only hurts us by
> misdirecting our energies.
> </joking>
> Seriously, I'd love for this to happen. Most GNU software is a hopeless,
> gruesome mess that should be dragged out and shot. Getting rid of as
> much as possible, gradually, is a Very Good Thing; this is how we get
> stability and performance improvements.

In fact, I think the *greatest* advantage of this code is it's

Anyway, both versions exist, so it's not a question of NIH. It's a
question of choosing.

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

        "Is it true that you're a millionaire's son who never worked a day
in your life?"
        "Yeah, I guess so."
        "Lemme tell you, son, you ain't missed a thing."

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