At 11:44 AM 12/19/2000, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dennis writes:
> >
> >>Device Drivers
> >>--------------
> >>I donīt like binary only device drivers. The code of an operating
> >>system is more complex than a driver. if a company does not want to
> >>publish the sourcecode, the should go away.
> >
> >You've lost all credibility here.
>We have a saying in Denmark, which I'm sure exist in as many forms
>as there are languages in the world:
>    "A thief belive everybody steals."
>Dennis, considering the recorded history of your arguments in our
>mailing list archives, hearing you come out and praise closed source
>drivers for open source OS's rings very very hollow.

did you even read my comments, you blubbering moron? lol. I said NOTHING 
about theft. Zero. I guess you dont read english very well.

I didnt "praise" closed source. I said there is arguable reasoning behind 
preferring supported binary drivers that work over incomplete source 
drivers. Selecting an OS based solely on this criteria is just plain 
stupid. Drivers generally do not require changes unless they are buggy. And 
the general public is generally no capable of maintaining a card driver 
with intricate knowledge of the controllers, which is no simple task.

We have a saying in the US. "communism failed because its very essence 
breeds mediocrity".  Your inabiltity to understand a business model that 
includes protecting corporate-funded assets, when MOST of the world's 
corporations adhere exclusively to such a model, shows how little you know 
about business in general.

Your stupidity is also is emphasized by the fact that no major manufacturer 
has supported drivers for freebsd. Intel wont even help by providing docs. 
Bravo. What a WIN for the freebsd community. You've done a tremendous job 
marketing your concept.

Am I a thief because my company provides value added solutions without 
source to our enhancements on a freebsd platform? If you are insulted that 
other people are using your work without paying for it then it sounds like 
you dont fit in very well with the "open source" community Mr. Kamp.


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