> It seems Steve Shoecraft wrote:
> >
> >     There are a number of reasons why a manufacturer can
> not/will not release
> > source code for a driver.  A few that come to mind are:
> >
> >             a) A device driver is a reflection of the
> hardware.  Manufacturers in
> > highly competitive markets could potentially be giving away
> trade secrets
> > for their new wiz-bang technology by publishing the source code.
> >
> >             b) Manufacturers license technology from other
> manufacturers for inclusion
> > into their product.  The license/NDA does not allow them to
> disseminate the
> > information (either through source or documentation).
> c. the driver is so embarrasing they wont show it to the world
> This is more common than you would belive :)

Heh.  This is true of the ATI example source ... *whew* is it bad =P

> >     EXAMPLE: I have been trying to deal with ATI recently
> regarding my
> > All-In-Wonder 128 and TV-Out.  Although they have been
> *VERY* helpful in
> > giving me example source and datasheets for the R128
> chipset, they cannot
> > give me the information on how to enable TV-Out.  This is
> because the
> > ImpactTV chipset on my AIW contains technology licensed
> from Macrovision,
> > and for them (ATI) to release the information to me would
> breach their
> > agreement with Macrovision and open them up to a nice fat
> lawsuit.  I *MAY*
> > have to try and get a license from Macrovision and then
> present my licensing
> > info to ATI -- and even if I did, I would not be able to
> distribute the
> > source for that component of the driver... (sigh)
> Well, go read the GATOS project source, they know how to switch the
> TVout stuff at least it works on my AIW :)

Is your AIW based on the R128 or M64?  GATOS has R128 TV-Out support
disabled by default.  Enabling it (commenting out the if (ati.r128) return
0;) doesn't seem to work on my card, and I didn't spend a whole lot of time
playing with it.  I grabbed the latest CVS source about a month ago.

> -Sřren
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- Steve

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