On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 11:43:17AM -0500, Dennis scribbled:
| >Device Drivers
| >--------------
| >I donīt like binary only device drivers. The code of an operating
| >system is more complex than a driver. if a company does not want to
| >publish the sourcecode, the should go away.
| You've lost all credibility here. Well supported device drivers should not 

No, he is simply stating his opinion.  In addition, a well supported
should include both the source *and* the binary.  At least one of the
reasons would be that customers who have top of the line drivers may
wish to customize the behavior of the hardware. 

| require source. I'd prefer a commercial (preferably the manufacters) 

Have you ever used Realtek stock drivers on Win32?  Have you tried
to find a Neomagic driver on Win2K?  Have you tried to find a driver
for Solaris?  

Let's even see you try to use the newest Intel fxp0 driver for win32 and
lose old functions.

| support other than some guy in the ural mountains who fixes things IF he 
| can get a card with a problem and IF he can duplicate the problem and IF 
| hes a good enough coder to get it done.
| case and point: How many of us are sitting on our hands waiting for DG to 
| have time to fix the latest snafu in the if_fxp driver? You cant blame  him 
| for having a job and earning a living, but the fact is that only he has 
| enough experience with the part to do the job. We all have source, but who 
| wants to spend a couple of weeks learning the intricacies of a very complex 
| part to fix what amounts to a very small bug?

Many of us do.
| You NEED source in linux and freebsd and the like because manufacturers 
| dont support their cards for these OSs and the drivers are a continuous 
| work in progress. Drivers are fixed only AFTER a problem with a new 
| revision part is encountered, which undermines a companies abiltiy to do 
| its work and to  have confidence that they will have a solution in the future.

If you don't like it, please don't use it.

| I'd take a driver disk with a binary driver with each shipment of cards ANY 
| DAY over having to cross my fingers that the current FreeBSD driver works 
| with them.

They work perfectly. On my systems, I could not get a good Brooktree driver
for Win32.  FreeBSD works fine.  My Intel 82559 cards work fine.
The newest Win2K Orinoco Wavelan driver cannot do ad-hoc mode, 
| Drivers written in linux and freebsd, for example, are often "guesses" of 
| how things work because exact documents are not available. The concept that 

No, we read datasheets like everybody else.

| some programmer, as good as he may be, working in his spare time on a 
| driver without full documentation is more desirable than code provided by 
| the manufacturer  is so short-sighted that is illustrates that the author 
| has no concept of reality.

In that case, why are you using it?

| "hacker mentality" is not mainstream. 98% of people dont have a clue what 
| to do with source code. They want products that just work. Your 

Yes, FreeBSD just works.

| recommendation, if you make such a recommendation regarding "source over 
| binary", suits your own requirements and not that of your client or readers 
| and shows very poor judgement.

So does yours.

| http://peorth.iteration.net/~keichii | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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