> At 05:14 PM 12/19/2000, you wrote:
> >On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 12:25:43PM -0500, Dennis wrote:
> > >Am I a thief because my company provides value added solutions without
> > >source to our enhancements on a freebsd platform? If you are insulted that
> > >other people are using your work without paying for it then it sounds like
> > >you dont fit in very well with the "open source" community Mr. Kamp.
> >
> >This brings about a question I have been wondering about for quite some
> >time: How do you submit binary-only code to the ports collection? I just
> >re-read the porters' handbook, and it seems to be assuming that you will
> >always release source code for everything. But I am thinking about porting
> >some of my Windows software to FreeBSD, yet, I do not want to release the
> >source code (since much of it is the same I *sell* to Windows users in
> >binary-only form).

See eg. the StarOffice, WordPerfect, Citrix ICA, Netscape, etc. ports.  
The process is pretty straightforward, and works well. 

> >Then again, I may decide not to do it: My latest port submission has been
> >sitting in the GNATS database for months, so why bother submitting more
> >when nobody cares anyway?

Typically, we recommend that you agitate a little more if your PR hasn't 
been assigned to someone.  You're misreading the situation here; it's not 
that "nobody cares" so much as "there is so much else to care about that 
you haven't made it to the top of the stack yet".  As the saying goes, 
the squeaky wheel gets the grease. 8)

> They dont want your stinking binary contributions. Get used to it.

On the other hand, non-stinking binary contributions are welcome. 8)

... every activity meets with opposition, everyone who acts has his
rivals and unfortunately opponents also.  But not because people want
to be opponents, rather because the tasks and relationships force
people to take different points of view.  [Dr. Fritz Todt]
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