:If you want freebsd to remain a cult OS for hackers you are correct.

    FreeBSD hasn't been a cult OS in a very long time, Dennis.  You need to
    open your eyes a little more.  The OSS world has changed in the last
    few years.

:Reverse engineering is a myth. The result is so inferior to high-level 
:language source code as to not be a concern, plus its illegal so it cant be 

    Reverse engineering is very legal, and it is hardly a myth, nor
    is the result necessarily inferior.  What is inferior are the thousands
    of commercial products that don't follow their own specs and the hundreds
    of chipsets that contain serious hardware bugs that the manufacturers
    don't bother to fix that we have to add hacks to support.  

    What you are doing is using a few bad apples as an excuse to try to
    bulldoze the orchard.  You shouldn't be surprised when people scoff
    at the attempt.  Nobody is beholden to you... serious commercial
    enterprises which use FreeBSD also support its development and stay
    on top of the areas which they feel are important to them.  Take Yahoo
    for example.  If you are serious about FreeBSD and you want things handed
    to you on a platter, then the problem here is your own attitude.  There
    is a cost to technology that goes far beyond the number of dollars you
    ring up on the register.


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