In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Seigo Tanim
ura writes:

>Poul-Henning> I'm a bit worried about the amount of work done in the
>Poul-Henning> cache_purgeleafdirs(), considering how often it is called,
>Poul-Henning> Do you have measured the performance impact of this to be an
>Poul-Henning> insignificant overhead ?
>No precise results right now, mainly because I cannot find a benchmark
>to measure the performance of name lookup going down to a deep
>directory depth.

Have you done any "trivial" checks, like timing "make world" and such ?

>It has been confirmed, though, that the hit ratio of name lookup is
>around 96-98% for a box serving cvsup both with and without my patch
>(observed by systat(1)). Here are the details of the name lookup on
>that box:

Ohh, sure, I don't expect this to have a big impact on the hit rate,
If I thought it would have I would have protested :-)

>For a more precise investigation, we have to measure the actial time
>taken for a lookup operation, in which case I may have to write a
>benchmark for it and test in single-user mode.

I would be satisfied with a "sanity-check", for instance running
a "cvs co src ; cd src ; make buildworld ; cd release ; make release"

with and without, just to see that it doesn't have a significant
negative impact.

>It is interesting that the hit ratio of directory lookup is up to only
>1% at most, even without my patch. Why is it like that?

Uhm, which cache is this ?  The one reported in "vmstat -vm" ?

That is entirely different from the vfs-namecache, I think it is
a per process one-slot directory cache.  I have never studied it's
performance, but I belive a good case was made for it in the 4.[34]
BSD books.

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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