@#$@#$ crap.  I think I found a dirty-mmap edge case with truncation.
    It requires a change to vm_page_set_validclean(), which of course is
    one of the core routines in the VM system.

    Basically what happens is that ftruncate() calls vnode_pager_setsize() 
    which eventually calls vm_page_set_validclean().

    If you happened to mmap() the truncation point shared R+W and
    dirty it, then truncate to something that isn't a multiple DEV_BSIZE..
    for example, if you were to truncate to an offset of '10', and a buffer
    has not been instantiated or marked dirty for the block yet, then the
    truncate operation will clear the dirty bit on the page and your 10
    bytes of dirty data will never get synced and will disappear if the page
    is freed.

    vm_page_set_validclean() needs to set the valid bits and clear
    the dirty bits associated with (base,size) within the page.  If base and/or
    size is unaligned then the valid and dirty bits encompass the bits
    associated with any overlapping DEV_BSIZEd chunks.  This is fine for
    setting valid, but not correct when clearing dirty.  Only dirty bits for
    DEV_BSIZE chunks that are fully enclosed in the range can be cleared.

    The fix is easy, but a little scary due to being right smack in the
    middle of the VM system.


    In anycase, I think I got it licked.  I'm going to run this nfs tester
    program overnight on a local filesystem, NFSv2, and NFSv3 mount.  Cross
    your fingers!  If it survives I'll start comitting to -current tomorrow.
    I give it about a 70% chance of surviving.


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