On Sep 06 at 12:11, Julian Elischer spoke:

> hit CTL_ALT_ESC on it's keyboard...

Doing this on the remote host (running gdb) tells me `No debugger in
Doing this on the target host passes control to the remote gdb.

But I want to pass control to the remote debugger by issuing
the interrupt command on the _remote_ host (in gdb).

> or do:
> sysctl debug.enter_debugger=gdb

Doing this on the target host also passes control to the remote

But I want to be able to pass control to the debugger when the
target kernel `hangs', that is when no `ctl-alt-f1', `ctl-alt-del'
has any effect.

I thought that remotebreak on the remote gdb should allow me this.
But it seems to be something else...


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