On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 10:20:24AM -0800, Darren Pilgrim wrote:
> >There are a number of brokenisms in the USB stack in -stable.  As to
> >whether they will get fixed or not is a matter of whether anyone has the
> >time to MFC the USB stack from -current or not.  It's much better over
> >there, and I've already merged the framework to make it easier to MFC,
> >but it is very unlikely that I will be attempting the work myself as I
> >don't use USB on -stable myself.
> So the problem I'm having is a known issue when detaching a uhub device, 
> then?

I guess... there was a problem with hubs not working which was fixed
about a year ago in -current.

I don't know if the problem is with all uhubs, or just some uhubs.  I
work on the assumption that plug-and-play is broken in 4.x's usb stack.
Try not to unplug things.  If you do and it works, bonus! :).


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