On Saturday 22 March 2003 15:10, Daniela wrote:
> > I know, but 5.0-RELEASE was
> >
> > a) A work-in-progress, not a perfect, bug-free release
> >
> > b) A snapshot of 5.0-CURRENT
> >
> > You read the 5.0 Early Adopter's Guide, right?  Bugs like this are
> > expected at this stage in the development process, and if you
> > encounter them then you need to either give up on 5.x and go back to
> > 4.x-STABLE, or upgrade to 5.0-CURRENT if they are already fixed
> > there.
> >
> > Kris
> Yes, I read the Early Adopter's Guide.
> Is there any way to solve this without upgrading to -current?
> I want a stable server, of course, but I still want to help the FreeBSD
> folks to make 5.0 the best release ever. This requires testing to be
> done.

Yes it does, but not on a "production" machine.  We admire your courage 
and willingness to help, but it's not helping as much as you think. ;^)

The reason for creating the 5.0 release is to make it easy for more 
developers and testers to jump onto the 5.x bandwagon by giving them a 
known (relatively) good starting point.  Quite a number of problems have 
been fixed since 5.0-RELEASE; CURRENT is now generally much more stable, 
and nobody is going to spend time updating 5.0 which is essentially an 
"early access" release.

You have to decide for yourself if this machine is too critical to run 
CURRENT, in which case it's probably best off running STABLE or the 
latest 4.x release branch, or if you want to update it to CURRENT, follow 
the CURRENT mailing list, and update again at known stable development 
points.  It looks like right now is pretty good if you want to jump.

At any rate, thanks for your tenacity.  We really do appreciate the 
contributions of everyone.


        Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?

Wes Peters                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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