On Tuesday 25 March 2003 08:14, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 08:18:43PM +0100, Daniela wrote:
> >Well, it's just a home server. I don't mind a few crashes, but security is
> >important for me. What do you think, should I go back to -stable?
> If you're willing to put up with a few crashes _and_ assist with
> debugging the crashes (eg trying patches) then running -CURRENT would
> help the Project.  One option you could try is to stick with -CURRENT
> for a month or two and see how it pans out - if you feel it's too
> painful, downgrade to -STABLE.  (I ran -CURRENT on my main workstation
> for about 3 years - I dropped back to -STABLE midway through last year
> because -CURRENT happened to strike an extended period of instability
> and it was causing me too much angst).
> On the topic of security, you should be aware that -CURRENT is not
> officially supported and therefore isn't mentioned in security
> advisories - in general -CURRENT will have security patches applied
> before -STABLE but you will need to do some detective work if you
> want to identify the exact time/revision affected.  There have also
> been a couple of instances where security problems only affected

In short, if I keep my eyes open, security isn't bad, right?
I'll give -current a try, thanks for your advice.


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