Gordon Bergling wrote:
* Thus spake Eric Anderson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
Peter Jeremy wrote:
On Tue, 2006-Apr-18 14:02:07 -0400, Coleman Kane wrote:
A few comments on the shellscript:

+                       rcargsize=`echo $rc_arg`
+                       rcargsize=${#rcargsize}
Try                     rcargsize=$((${#rc_arg} + 1))

-                                   return 1
+ (echo_fancy "FAILED" `expr 10 + $rcargsize - 1`) && return 1
Try echo_fancy "FAILED" $((10 + $rcargsize - 1)) && return 1

+echo_fancy () {
+       namesize=`echo -n $name`
+       namesize=${#namesize}
or      namesize=${#name}

+       padding=""
+       paddingsize=$(($columns - 15 - $2 - $namesize))
+       until [ 0 = ${paddingsize} ]; do
+               padding=" $padding"
+               paddingsize=$(($paddingsize - 1))
+       done
This particular block of code appears unnecessary (since $padding is unused).
I must be missing something, because I'm pretty sure it's used.. What did I miss?

+                       paddingsize=$((60 - $namesize - $rc_argsize))
+                       until [ 0 = ${paddingsize} ]; do
+                               padding=" $padding"
+                               paddingsize=$(($paddingsize - 1))
+                       done
For safety, the conditions should probably be [ 0 -ge ${paddingsize} ]
I don't see any alternative to the until loop.  If efficiency turns out
to be a real issue then you could try doing the expansion in multiple
goes.  Eg:

                        until [ 8 -gt ${paddingsize} ]; do
                                padding="        $padding"
                                paddingsize=$(($paddingsize - 8))
                        until [ 0 -ge ${paddingsize} ]; do
                                padding=" $padding"
                                paddingsize=$(($paddingsize - 1))
Thanks for the hints. I was testing the same changes to the namesize/etc as you suggested, and it does work and is more readable and more efficient.

I've included your suggestions and put the latest changes here:


Patch -3 is working good here. :)

best regards,


PS: next try... fancy_color_rc="YES" ;)

If I could figure out how to make sh do colors, I'd do it. :)

Thanks for testing!


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.
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