On 2/5/18 1:05 am, Julian Elischer wrote:
On 1/5/18 11:03 pm, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
Many years ago I added code to ipfw so that if -q was set it would not
complain about
things that were unimportant, nor would it return an error code.
Such things include removing table entries that are already gone and
similar sorts of 'safe' operations.
The idea is that you can write 'naive' scripts that don't need to do
complicated checks to see if XXX is already present or gone..
In hte ame way that rm -f doesn't complain if the file doesn't
exist..? You were going to delete it anyhow.

I'd like that to continue to some of the new additions.
for example the terribly annoying
  ??? ipfw: DEPRECATED: inserting data into non-existent table 18.
(auto-created) (who cares?)


  ?? ljcc-78# ipfw table 19 create
  ???? ipfw: Table creation failed: File exists

As the script needs to run multiple times, I don't care if the table
already exists.
but I do care about other errors.
I don't want to have to write special wrapper code for table create
that is different
from the wrappers elsewhere because it has to look for return code 71
and disregard it.
Can we just have -q continue to ignore such errors please?
I think there is a bigger question here, why was auto table creation
with first insert "Deprecated" at all?   This to me just seems like
change cause someone could change it that has no usefull purpose or
is there some great purpose this serves?

Same with creation of an already existing file, why did that need
to become a noisy warning/error?

Well ther eis an argument (that I disagree with in this case) that any unexected even is an error..

Also the new tables can have many different key type and indexing algorithms, which need to be  declared up front.

but I don't see that raising a fatal error for trying to delete something that doesn't exist or make something that already exists really helps much other than to make scripts more complicated. That's why I made it optional before.. Removing table entries that are not present could be an error you want to know about, but probably it isn't.

my biggest issue is that it bombs out when you are using it as a filter.
e.g. (manual simulation)

32Ssd# ipfw -q -f /dev/tty    <---- -q   "don't complain and quit on unimportant things  -f  "trust me I know what I'm doing"
table 3 add
table 3 add       <- no error.. this is what I want..
table 20 add
table 3 swap 20
table all list
--- table(3), set(0) --- 0
--- table(20), set(0) --- 0
table 3 swap 21      <--  doesn't quit, but doesn't generate a new empty 21 either :-(
table all list
--- table(3), set(0) --- 0
--- table(20), set(0) --- 0
table 21 create
table 21 create  <------ this shouldn't quit..   actually I wouldprefer that I didnt NEED to make the damned things. Any reference should make it.. (e.g. swap)
Line 6: Table creation failed: File exists
      "congratulations the parent process now has to restart it.."

The Cisco/Ironport "Web Security Appliance" ran like this, with a python process feeding commands into a single instance of ipfw. I don't know if it still does (Doug Ambrisko may know).  I use this method of running ipfw regularly, as forking and exec-ing a new copy of ipfw for every firewall operation is a huge waste of resources when you have a dynamic firewall that is constantly adding and removing table entries and rules, as well as doing load control with dummynet. Last thing I need is for ipfw to start quitting on operations that should be idempotent.

interestingly the man page no longer shows how to run with input from a file in hte synopsis (though it refers to it)

     To ease configuration, rules can be put into a file which is processed      using ipfw as shown in the last synopsis line.  An absolute pathname must      be used.  The file will be read line by line and applied as arguments to
     the ipfw utility.

errr, no such example.
 I think I will look into adding a -F option to allow for input from a file or stdin..
and make it shut the heck up in that mode (implies -q and -f)


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