"Bjoern A. Zeeb" <b...@freebsd.org> wrote
  in <alpine.bsf.2.00.2208081552160.68...@ai.fobar.qr>:

bz> >>   In 1)+2), there is no POLA for users of other DHCPv6 clients such as
bz> >>   dhcp6c or ISC's dhclient -6.  A full-blown dhcpcd configuration,
bz> >>   which replaces dhclient/rtsold, is still possible.  The cons are that
bz> >>   this is a partial integration of dhcpcd, which prevents some useful
bz> >>   feature available in the master mode, and some complexity remains in
bz> >>   the rc.d scripts.  I think these are a trade-off.  I am interested in
bz> >>   whether this integration has a big problem when people use the
bz> >>   imported dhcpcd.
bz> >>
bz> >>   And probably we have to revisit this integration when we want to
bz> >>   support DHCP 4o6 or something that involves IPv4 and IPv6 at the same
bz> >>   time.  The flexibility of the "toolbox" approach would be helpful in
bz> >>   minimizing the impact on the existing configurations when more future
bz> >>   integration change occurs.
bz> >
bz> > Agreed. I noted my concerns above and would favour a full blown dhcpcd 
configuration for new installs and leave the current dhclient/rtsold for 
exising installs. No need to force people to move.
bz> I think that is a very sensible approach to do it incrementally.
bz> If people can agree on
bz> (1) importing it and first closing the gap of the missing DHCPv6 client 
bz>     sure it does all people have accumultaed over the years,
bz> (2) and then solving the "how do I disable dhclient and rtsold and per-IF 
bz>     and just run the-one-thing as an alternative in rc" in the 2nd step

 I agree with (1) before 14 and discussing (2) after that, separately.

-- Hiroki

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