On 2007-Jun-16 20:41:48 -0700, Stephen Hurd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hrm?  In step 2, "manually" meant "Not using ports"
> That is to say that I downloaded it from Sourceforge myself, extracted it 
> myself, built and installed it myself.

If you install things outside the ports system then you can't expect
the ports system to be able to track it (which I'm sure you don't).
I doubt that the ports system will ever cater for this.

As [LoN]Kamikaze wrote, it may be worthwhile creating the port
infrastructure when you do this - this gives you a repeatable
mechanism for rebuilding the port.  And, if it was useful to you, it
might be useful for someone else so you might like to consider
submitting it.

Peter Jeremy

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