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Boris Samorodov wrote:
> Hello Chuck,
> On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 16:54:31 -0500 Chuck Robey wrote:
>> As an example, the
>> flash9 plugin needed a linux lib, libdl.so (I think it was .so.2).  If I
> I wrote the port which installs libdl.so.2, so I guess I should
> respond...
>> wanted to be complete, it really needed about twenty different libraries,
>> but libdl.so will serve as an example well enough).  It had been installed
>> in some subdir of /usr/local/lib.
> Are you sure that you didn't use some non-default paths to install a
> linux_base port? I'm asking the question because:
> -----
> % locate libdl.so
> /usr/compat/linux/lib/libdl.so.2
> % pkg_info -W /compat/linux/lib/libdl.so.2
> /compat/linux/lib/libdl.so.2 was installed by package linux_base-fc-4_10
> -----

I'm a little behind in answering my mail, I hope I didn't keep you waiting
too long.  Yeah, you're right, you had it right.  If and when I finally get
ports-management to comment on my thesis, and IF they finally agree with
me, I guess I'm going to be forced to completely zero out my entire system
(damn, what a PITA) and get things fixed right from the beginning.  Back
some years back, when I was very active in ports last, I had to maintain my
system in an extremely "clean" status, because otherwise, one can never
really guarantee that what builds fine one your system won't break on
everyone else's.

Anyhow, I said I made no effort to record what I did, and if in  this case
I misremembered, please don't take it as an insult to your work, which does
look like you did a fine job of it.  This, at least, is one port that DOES
do things as I would have them.

The only way I'm going to get things to be for certain, it's to start over
from the beginning, and this time follow the procedures that any serious
porter (such as you) already knows by heart.   I'm not going to try to
repeat all that here.

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