On Tue, 15 Jan 2008 14:42:57 -0500 Chuck Robey wrote:
> Boris Samorodov wrote:
> > On Mon, 14 Jan 2008 15:08:50 -0500 Chuck Robey wrote:
> > 
> >> Anyhow, I said I made no effort to record what I did, and if in  this case
> >> I misremembered, please don't take it as an insult to your work, which does
> > 
> > I didn't. I (as a developer) tried to help you (as a user) to track
> > the difficulties.
> > 
> >> look like you did a fine job of it.  This, at least, is one port that DOES
> >> do things as I would have them.
> > 
> > Well, since some other (may be 15-20) fc4-linux infrastructure port
> > were written by me as well, I hope that there should be more that that
> > one. :-)
> > 
> >> The only way I'm going to get things to be for certain, it's to start over
> >> from the beginning, and this time follow the procedures that any serious
> >> porter (such as you) already knows by heart.   I'm not going to try to
> >> repeat all that here.
> > 
> > OK, great. And please, in any doubt about any (in this case linux)
> > port's behaviour don't hesitate and write to this or emulation@ ML.

> I just replied to Alex Leidinger's mail (where he replied to this one)
> incorrectly.  I thought it was you, and didn;'t realize until after I'd
> kicked off the send key.  Should have realized it from his use of
> invective, and how he tried to paint this one error as if _all_ linux ports

He said "all infrastructure linux ports". Those ports which install
libraries, filesystem, configs, etc. He never said all of them (just
because he knows ports and it's structure much better than me). And it
is Alexander (with the help of Roman Divacky) who did much work at
kernel/userland linuxulator to improve it and introduce 2.6-linux.

> installed correctly, and I was only confused.  No big loss, I ppointed out
> there a particular example (/usr/ports/www/linux-firefox) that does install
> into /usr/local,

This is not an infrastructure port, this is a user application. (I'll
duscuss this port as an answer for your other mail).

> just didn't appreciate his painting it as if all I said
> was wrong, and using the libdl thing as if I was wrong all around the ring.

OK, let's leave libdl an all concerned with it in the past. And
let's concentrate at port errors (ports with errors?).

> I haven't sent any of this to emulation.  I dislike crossposting without
> some truly major reason, and this thread did begin in ports.  I wonder,
> does the fact that your own port installs into /compat mean that you,
> yourself, agree with my thesis, that all Linux items belong inmstalled into
> the /compat/linux tree?

Actually, no. ;-) That means that those ports are linux infrastructure
ports which (so far noboby doubts it) belong to /compat/linux.

> What is your own opinion of this?

You know, when something goes wrong with a port and I can't repair it
myself, I do to a dortor^w kernel committer for help. If he says
"don't do it, it hurts" I do just what he says. Said that I should add
that I do it not blindly but because I see that it really (most of the
cases) helps. Yet there are open PRs which still are not closed,
workaround not found, etc.

Nobody says that current linuxulator is ideal. I'd say that current
situation just hurts less. It is (unfortunately) very sensitive
instrument. :-( (I don't want to end the letter in a sad end, and
here is an old Russian phrase which may remind current situation:
"One wrong movement, and you are a father...")

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, http://www.ipt.ru Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, http://www.FreeBSD.org The Power To Serve
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