Hash: SHA1

Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Quoting Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (from Mon, 14 Jan 2008 15:08:50
> -0500):
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Boris Samorodov wrote:
>>> Hello Chuck,
>>> On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 16:54:31 -0500 Chuck Robey wrote:
>>>> As an example, the
>>>> flash9 plugin needed a linux lib, libdl.so (I think it was .so.2). 
>>>> If I
>>> I wrote the port which installs libdl.so.2, so I guess I should
>>> respond...
>>>> wanted to be complete, it really needed about twenty different
>>>> libraries,
>>>> but libdl.so will serve as an example well enough).  It had been
>>>> installed
>>>> in some subdir of /usr/local/lib.
>>> Are you sure that you didn't use some non-default paths to install a
>>> linux_base port? I'm asking the question because:
>>> -----
>>> % locate libdl.so
>>> /usr/compat/linux/lib/libdl.so.2
>>> % pkg_info -W /compat/linux/lib/libdl.so.2
>>> /compat/linux/lib/libdl.so.2 was installed by package linux_base-fc-4_10
>>> -----
>> I'm a little behind in answering my mail, I hope I didn't keep you
>> waiting
>> too long.  Yeah, you're right, you had it right.  If and when I
>> finally get
>> ports-management to comment on my thesis, and IF they finally agree with
>> me, I guess I'm going to be forced to completely zero out my entire
>> system
>> (damn, what a PITA) and get things fixed right from the beginning.  Back
>> some years back, when I was very active in ports last, I had to
>> maintain my
>> system in an extremely "clean" status, because otherwise, one can never
>> really guarantee that what builds fine one your system won't break on
>> everyone else's.
>> Anyhow, I said I made no effort to record what I did, and if in  this
>> case
>> I misremembered, please don't take it as an insult to your work, which
>> does
>> look like you did a fine job of it.  This, at least, is one port that
>> do things as I would have them.
> _All_ pure infrastructure ports install into LINUXBASE.

Just so I have an example of things doing the install badly (I mean here,
as I define badly, mreans not using /compat), I just checked the very first
linux browser I found in /usr/ports/www, that's linux-firefox, and it does
it badly, using /usr/local only.  I was wrong in pulling yours out of my
heaad (altho, in my own defense, I prefaced it with "I think it was",
because I wasn't sure.  Didn't realize you would take it as an insult, and
sure didn't mena it thast way.  I just want to eliminate all ports
installing Linux type things outside of /compat/linux.  There are just so
many reasons that it's bad news (see other mail, I won't repeat it all over
again here).

 This is not a
> "nice to have"-style requirement, it is a _hard_ requirement. Anyone
> violating this gets a slap on the hand from me as sonn as I discover it.
> So in case you talk about ports which only install libs and they are not
> in LINUXBASE, I would say your system is fucked up

It's not "fucked up", I just gave a hard example of one that definitely
does it bad.  I was wrong in misremembering you, not wrong in
misremembering the action.  Go check that yourself, sir.  There are indeed
many Linux ports that stick there stuff in /usr/local.

 and you should
> install from scratch to have a good basis for discussion. So far you
> just point fingers in a generic direction without giving hard facts. A
> lot of this finger pointing is for libs, as far as I understand your
> posts. So please, install a clean system and tell us about concrete port
> names. Hard facts are a good base to talk about, the "oh, I don't
> remember what I did but my current setup is not satisfying" is leading
> nowhere.
>> The only way I'm going to get things to be for certain, it's to start
>> over
>> from the beginning, and this time follow the procedures that any serious
>> porter (such as you) already knows by heart.   I'm not going to try to
>> repeat all that here.
> I reply to your other mail later when I have more time. It is big and I
> have to write some things there.
> Bye,
> Alexander.

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