On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 10:25:50PM +0200, Ulrich Spörlein wrote:
> I am always confused about what portsmon is doing vs. pointyhat.

portsmon tracks all the errorlog data from pointyhat, with the caveat
that only the last 2 runs (somewhat erroneously termed "full" and
"latest") of each buildenv are tracked.  e.g., if package foo failed
more than 2 runs ago and has not be re-run since, portsmon will not
show a build error for it.  It will, however, show you the last package
that was uploaded.

portsmon's idea of metadata for a port is based on a single buildenv --
this is a limitation of the database schema ATM.  The default buildenv
that is used is i386-7 right now*, but I should be switching it to i386-8
pretty soon.  This means there is no way to ask it "show me packages that
fail on amd64-6" or "show me ports that are marked BROKEN on sparc64, for
instance.  Therefore, all of the periodic emails describe the state of a
port only on i386-7.

Finally, since portsmon is looking at errorlogs that have already been
produced, it to some degree is reporting the state of past ports tree(s).
However, its metadata is updated every hour.


* careful observers will note that the environment in which the metadata
are evaluated may not _exactly_ match pointyhat's setup, but it's as
close as I can get it.  The last time I checked, this affected only a
handful of ports; in particular, a few false positives for IGNORE based
on conflicts.
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