On Fri, 6 Jun 2014 11:02:48 -0600 (MDT), Warren Block stated:

> Stimulating discussion without insulting people generally gives better 
> results.

That is debatable. After spending much of my life in a managerial role of one
kind or another, I have determined that you either have to kick them in the
ass, insult them or threaten them before they actually accomplish anything.

> Look, we are all doing the best we can with what we've got.  The ports 
> people have been trying to accomplish the equivalent of turning a cruise 
> ship around in a bathtub without rattling the silverware.  It's not 
> possible to anticipate every issue, particularly when there are so many.

Absolutely true. The real trick is where do you find a bathtub that large?
> The way improvements are made is for interested people (that is, you) to
> get involved and help to improve it.

Adding more generals doesn't improve the battle plan.
> The challenge you have created is to anticipate the next issue and 
> report it, preferably with a plan for a solution, before it happens.

Really ...

Hi, I am a FreeBSD user, and I would like to report a problem that doesn't
exist. I have a theoretical solution for this unknown problem, but I cannot
test it because I cannot create the environment.

Seriously, there are plenty of real problems. Attempting to anticipate
theoretical ones and then devise hypothetical solutions is a job best left
to those working on quantum physics.

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