I'm trying to build and install security/openssh-portable, but when I do, make errors out with:

===> openssh-portable-7.1.p1_2,1 pkg(8) must be version 1.6.0 or greater, but you have 1.5.6. You must upgrade the ports-mgmt/pkg port first.
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/security/openssh-portable

I'm using an svn checkout of https://svn.freebsd.org/ports/head. I also cleaned my package cache and forced an update of the local catalogues, but pkg tells me the latest version of pkg available, at least for amd64 10.2p3, is 1.5.6.

I rolled back my local ports tree to r397904 (r397905 was the MINIMAL_PKG_VERSION bump) and it works fine.

I'm guessing from other posts on this list that pkg 1.6.0 out, but it doesn't seem to be in the public pkg repo. I didn't see anything in UPDATING about it.

What am I missing?
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