On Monday, 31 August 2020 at  8:03:32 +1000, Dave Horsfall wrote:
> [ I seem to have missed the post to which this refers ]

Sorry, I nearly missed this one because you didn't change the Subject:

> On Sun, 30 Aug 2020, Niclas Zeising wrote:
>>> Exactly.  Another case in point: x11/xtset.  Maintenance stopped in
>>> 1993, 11 days after the FreeBSD project came into existence.  It works

Well, no, he quoted:

On Sunday, 30 August 2020 at  9:27:07 +1000, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
> Exactly.  Another case in point: x11/xtset.  Maintenance stopped in
> ...

> What does "xtset" do that the following script does not?  I picked it up
> from $JOB a couple of decades ago.
>      /usr/local/bin/wintit:
> ...

It inserts text in the same control sequence, but formats them based
on format “metavariables".  From the man page (which I'll send you

           xtset -t %u (%T) %h:%D

     might set the title text to

           root (ttyp0) myhost:usr/src

Clearly it's not rocket science, which is why it has worked well until
some wise person decided that predicates are no longer acceptable in C
(see https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=249017).  It
still works well.

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