>hmmmm.... I use apcupsd from ports which has shown to be very reliable and
>has great docs. It has been months since I looked at this stuff, but
>remember something like this issue you make was covered in detail.

Thanks, good pointer: 
http://www.apcupsd.com/users_manual/shutdown.html discusses the 
problem. In RedHat the disks are mounted back read-only at shutdown. 
I'll have to check how the FreeBSD port implements this.

>I don't have any BIOS conflict that you mention that
>will fight the daemons. They will shut down even if the power returns if
>the minimum has been reached or exceeded. There are also other settings
>that check things and allow the machines to resume proper operation --
>however, once the "doomsday" point is reached -- the "shutdown -p now" will
>prevail. It will then require manual restarts of those that are shut down.

I don't want to argue, but..

I have no BIOS conflict per se. I have just set up my BIOS to boot 
the system when power appears. The problem is: What happens if power 
never disappears?

"shutdown -p now" kills apcupsd before it turns the power off. There 
is a time frame when there is no monitoring software running. If 
power returns in that time frame, you have to boot up manually. In 
RedHat Linux apcupsd is run once more in single-user mode with 
"/etc/apcupsd/apccontrol killpower".

It appears you could test your setup with "/etc/apcupsd/apccontrol 
doshutdown". Do not pull the plug, just let the software shut down 
the system. If it reboots after a while - you have no problem. The 
"while" depends on shutdown grace delay, which value you can check 
with "apcaccess eeprom". I have a dumb BackUPS, so I don't have any 

Thank you for your time!

Metis / Petri Riihikallio
GSM: +358 400 505 939

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