At 07:09 PM 9.27.2002 +0300, Petri Riihikallio wrote:
>>In my case where I DON'T want the machines to restart after complete
>>shutdown, was from an expensive learning experience. In our area
>>(summertime subtropics), sometimes the power comes back on but flips right
>>back off -- just as the machine is trying to restart -- this happened THREE
>>times in one day.
>You could get a better UPS :-)
>The smarter models can be set up to start supplying power when the 
>battery has been recharged to, say 15%, or after 5 minutes of 
>continuous power.

I have several SmartUPS (APC 1500s) that run the most critical machines and
dictate to the slaves. The slaves have dumb UPS, so nothing is cut 'n
dried. I don't even know why they send a serial cable with the dumb UPses.
I've watched folks waste days trying to make the dumbies communicate just
because they got the cable with the new unit.

Best regards,
Jack L. Stone,

SageOne Net

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