On 27/06/05, Bart Silverstrim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There seems to be a dependency loop occuring on our server when trying
> to do an upgrade; is there a way to force the update and rebuild
> dependencies?  Below is a snippet of output (please let me know if more
> of the update info is needed...)

<snip output>

The output seems to suggest that p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-3.0.4 isn't
installed and as such portmanager wants to install it.

Why it is looping the build I don't know.

Have you tried manualling installing the amavisd-new port? If there is
a problem with the dependencies then manually installing the port
should pull in SpamAssassin without any problems and portmanager
should no longer need to rebuild it thus allowing it to continue on
upgrading anything else.

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