Erm, well 60+Mbytes is no wonder in a Gigabit environment (and it is
too much of a wonder in a FastEthernet one), but I'm interested in
getting 100Mbit hardware to work at full speed.

Thanks for your 2 cents anyway,
Andrew P.

On 7/27/05, Sean Hafeez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I get 60+Mbytes between my FreeBSD 5.4 and Mac via NFS. I get
> 40-60Mbytes between my FreeBSD 5.4 and Windows 2K box via Samba. Good
> NICs help. Intel 10/100 Pro.
> Google for Samba tuning also.
> -Sean
> On Jul 26, 2005, at 4:00 PM, Andrew P. wrote:
> > Hello all!
> >
> > I remember being able to reach 11-12Mbytes/s between two Win95
> > workstations with NE2000 $10 NIC's installed, connected via BNC cable.
> > I am now able to reach 11-12Mbytes/s between all kinds of Windows
> > 2000/XP machines with all kinds of cheapest 100Mbit ethernet hardware.
> >
> > But I have never ever exceeded 8-9Mbytes/s between a Windows machine
> > and a FreeBSD box - _never_. Be it Samba, different ftp/http servers,
> > different FreeBSD versions (4.x/5.x), with ipfw enabled or disabled,
> > etc., - the speed always hovers around 7-8Mb/s. I know it's not
> > critical, I know I should've upgraded to Gigabit hardware long ago,
> > but is there something wrong?
> >
> > I tried different linux distros, but they all seem to be even
> > slower. Wazzup?..
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Andrew P.
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