On Thu, 1 Sep 2005 18:19:15 -0300
Mario Carugno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I there, i was trying freebsd for a while, and comparing it against 
> debian/linux.
> The winner was Debian by far... Freebsd could be stable, but it is
> not faster... and Debian is far much more 'usable'.
>  Freebsd package installation is very laborious compared with
> Debian's apt system. I have to search in each CD, know
> dependences,... X configuration is hard too when the autodetected
> configuration doesn't works...
>  I think fbsd is good, but needs some user facilities.

I am bored, so I bite ^_^

Use pkg_add -r. Make cvsup and portupgrade the first installed, use

I only ever grab the boot only CD.

The autodetected one does not work? Odd, out side of crappy hardware
I've not seen this before. X -configure has all ways worked nicely
for me except for one system with a weird video chip.

As far as speed goes, I've honestly have never had a problem with it.
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