On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 02:51:25PM -0500, DAve wrote:
> cpghost wrote:
> >On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 05:46:26PM +0200, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> >
> >>I am not 100% convinced, but if you say so.  It seems to be that the
> >>religious fundamentalist who thinks Beastie is "the Devil", or
> >>something, will sooner or later look at the new logo and think:
> >>
> >>   ``It looks like a head.  A horned head.  A red, horned head.
> >>
> >>Then all the fuss about a new logo has been in vain :(
> Anyone who was so afraid of beastie, or the new logo, would never use 
> FreeBSD. One days traffic on this maillist and the language would send 
> them elsewhere.
> >
> >
> >No, that would be a GOOD THING, because we'll then get rid of that
> >awful logo, even with the help of the people who started this whole
> >logo contest in the first place!
> I propose that people who subscribe to the idea that a devil on the box 
> means a devil inside, constitute a very minor percentage of the 
> population. I also propose that more potential FreeBSD users are lost 
> due to the lack of native RPM support and GUI installation tools. I 
> would not change the installation, ports system, or logo to suit those 
> people. None of those three groups are worth the calories being expended 
> in this conversation.
> This entire thread is funny, and sad.

I point out that removing beastie was not the point of the exercise
(contrary to Ted's paranoid fantasies of a right-wing Christian
fundamentalist cabal dictating policy to the core team).  Please
review http://logo-contest.freebsd.org/ if you're unclear about this
(it's explicitly stated that logo submissions could include beastie,
and in fact almost all of them did).  In fact if you look carefully
you'll notice that the new logo still includes a stylized
representation of beastie.


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