At 16:59 24.02.2006, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
On 2006-02-24 16:45, Kristian Vaaf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>At 19:47 21.02.2006, Kris Anderson wrote:
>>--- Kristian Vaaf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> I don't know what's wrong. But all my makes error out.  I've tried
>>> over and over again. And sent about a dozen e-mails to this list.
>>> When doing:
>>> cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile

Kristian, you would have to show us your cvsupfile.  It's possible that
you are missing some of the sources, so the source tree you download is
not exactly buildable.

>>> And then running:
>>> cd /usr/src \
>>> && make buildworld \
>>> && make buildkernel KERNCONF=ARBA \
>>> && make installkernel KERNCONF=ARBA \
>>> && make installworld \
>>> && mergemaster \
>>> && make clean \
>>> && rm -rf /usr/obj/*
>>> This is how it's done, no?

Not quite.

>> Sort of done like that. Looking at the FreeBSD handbook it says:
>>    make buildworld
>>    make buildkernel KERNCONF=ARBA
>>    make installkernel KERNCONF=ARBA
>>    reboot
>> Note: There are a few rare cases when an extra run of mergemaster -p
>> is needed before the buildworld step. These are described in
>> UPDATING. In general, though, you can safely omit this step if you
>> are not updating across one or more major FreeBSD versions.

This is also suggested in /usr/src/UPDATING.

> The point is I've been having this problem for so long, and none of
> the developers are willing to help me.

Patience, please.  It's not the end of the world.  There is a sane,
logical explanation why you can't build the system.  We just have to
find it :)

> This is one of the reason I think, why most people these days seem to
> go (back) to DragonflyBSD.

This is very uncalled for.  If you really want help, then please spare
us the (in my opinion) unsupported, unwarranted rhetoric about why
FreeBSD is not for you.  The helpful people of this list don't deserve
this, and you don't deserve the flames such inflammatory material can

> I certainly am going to.

Ultimately, this is your choise to make, of course.  We can't force to
use something that you don't like.

Before that happens, I'd like to see at least the following though:

    - Your cvsupfile

    - The error messages you get.  The URL in the previous paragraphs
      that is supposed to show the errors, is not fetchable:

          $ cd /tmp
          $ fetch
          fetch: Not Found

Dear Giorgos,

Here is my /etc/cvsupfile:

*default base=/usr
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_6
*default delete use-rel-suffix

ports-all tag=.
doc-all tag=.

I'll have result.txt back on that URL first thing tomorrow morning.

I'm not going to DragonflyBSD because FreeBSD works just fine at the time being,
except this though it isn't killing me.

Talk to you later,


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