
Discovered something odd today, trying to get the procedures down to help someone who wanted to mount a second drive to a mount point in their home directory.

Running FreeBSD5.5p2

* 2nd drive device/partition: /dev/ad1s1d

* /etc/sysctl.conf: vfs.usermount=1

* /etc/devfs.conf: perm ad1s1d 0666

Created a directory home homedir:
   # mkdir /usr/home/dude/drive2

Ownership on mount point: dude:dude /usr/home/dude/drive2

Now when I do:
   # mount /dev/da1s1d /usr/home/dude/drive2

Ownership shows:
   root:wheel /usr/home/dude/drive2
   This is not acceptable! should be "dude:dude /usr/home/dude/drive2"

So I try:
   # sudo chown -R dude:dude /usr/home/dude/drive2

ok, now it looks ok, but I don't expect it stick, but check it out:
   # umount /usr/home/dude/drive2
   # mount /dev/da1s1d /usr/home/dude/drive2

   ownership still shows dude:dude   !

I try to reboot, mount again, and ownership still is what I want, dude:dude

I add line to /etc/fstab, reboot, everything still looks good!

So any ideas on why I need to do a chown -R dude:dude after the first mount?????? Am I missing something, going insane, or is something buggy here????


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