
Thanks a lot for the excellent reply, yes I do have some questions about
this but before that:

the unplumb operation for pilp0 doesnt work.

ifconfig: SIOCIFDESTROY: Invalid argument

is the message I get for this.


On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 9:37 PM, Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 2008-01-28 21:03, Bhuvaneswari Ramkumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ok here u go, the exact output of the the commands:
> Excellent!  Thank you :-)
> > #ifconfig -a
> >
> > em0: flags=8802<BROADCAST, SIMPLEX, MULTICAST> mtu 1500
> > options=b<RXSCUM, TXSCUM, VLAN_MTU>
> > ether :0d:56:f0:f1:ba
> > media:Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
> > status: active
> >
> > plip0:flags=108810<POINTTOPOINT,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
> > lo0:flags=8049<UP, LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> MTU 16384
> > inet netmask 0xff000000
> > inet ::1 prefixlen 128
> > inet6 fe80 :: 1% lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3
> See the `active' status and the `media' description?  This means you
> have a network cable connected and FreeBSD has autodetected that you are
> using a full-duplex 100 Mbit/s link.
> That's good :)
> On 2008-01-28 21:10, Bhuvaneswari Ramkumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > the netstat reads:
> >
> > #netstat -nr
> >
> > Routing tables
> >
> > Internet:
> > Destination Gateway  Flags  REfs  Use Netif     Expire
> >   UH        0    41     lo0
> >
> >
> > Internet 6
> >
> > Destination          Gateway          Flags   Netif
> > Expire
> > ::1                            ::1                   UH       lo0
> > fe80::%lo0/64       fe80::1%lo0        U         lo0
> > fe80::1%lo0           link#3                 UHL     lo0
> > ff01::/32                    ::1                      U        lo0
> > ff02 :: %lo0/32          ::1                    UC          lo0
> Hmmm.  There seems to be something very 'odd' about your interfaces.
>        * There is no `lo0' loopback interface, which commonly uses the
> address.
>        * The address is assigned to plip0 (IP over parallel
>          port), which seems wrong.
>        * The em0 interface has no address.
> Can you try the following commands, so see if you can *manually* set up
> the interfaces?
> 1. Bringing down the 'plip0 interface
> -------------------------------------
>        # ifconfig plip0 unplumb
> This should bring down and delete the plip0 interface.  You don't really
> need it when em0 starts working.
> 2. Bringing up the `lo0' loopback interface
> -------------------------------------------
>        # ifconfig lo0 inet up
> This will bring up the `lo0' interface, with the correct address.
> 3. Bringing up the em0 interface
> --------------------------------
> Finally, try bringing up the `em0' interface with dhclient OR ifconfig.
> You don't need *both*.  One of them should be sufficient...
> 3.1. Using a dynamic/automatic address for em0
> ----------------------------------------------
> If you are using DHCP (automatic address configuration, i.e. from a DSL
> modem, or similar) it should be sufficient to run:
>        # dhclient em0
> 3.2. Using a static address for em0
> -----------------------------------
> If you are not using DHCP, and you have a `static' address, like the one
> I use on the workstation I'm using to type this, you should be able to
> use ifconfig like:
>        # ifconfig inet a.b.c.d/count up
> where `a.b.c.d' is the IP address you want to assign, and `count' a
> number like `24' or `28'.  The correct settings depends on how your
> network is configured, but an example would look like:
>        # ifconfig em0 up
> 4. Check that em0 really got an address and is "UP"
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Then you should see something like:
>        em0: flags=8802<UP,BROADCAST, SIMPLEX, MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>                 options=b<RXSCUM, TXSCUM, VLAN_MTU>
>                ether :0d:56:f0:f1:ba
>                 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
>                 media:Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
>                status: active
> 5. Add the default router/gateway
> ---------------------------------
> If you see the "UP" flag in the first line, and you get the `inet' line
> options correctly (address and netmask), the final step should be to
> configure the `default router', i.e.:
>        # route add default
> 6. Saving it all in `/etc/rc.conf' for the next boot
> ----------------------------------------------------
> If you get all the steps right, and you _do_ get connectivity going,
> then you should be able to manually edit the file `/etc/rc.conf' and set
> configure everything by using something similar to:
>        network_interfaces='lo0 em0'
>        ifconfig_lo0='inet'
>        ifconfig_em0='inet'
>        defaultrouter=''
> The syntax is really simple, but if you need an explanation of what it
> all means, please feel free to ask :)
> - Giorgos
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