ifconfig em0 up also doesnt help ping my LAN.

the ifconfig -a output now reads the IP I just added, as well as the
net-mask & the 100 Mbps active linnk.

quick question :

I did an ifconfig em0  yday.should this be done everytime I restart
my application, is it some kind of a temporary address assignment, bcos
whatever I assigned was not visible today when I re-booted and I had to do
it again, probably I should set this in the conf file also ? maybe as
another user said my NIC is not enabled or something like that.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 12:14 PM, आशीष Ashish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ,--[ On Wednesday 30 Jan 2008, Bhuvaneswari Ramkumar wrote:
> | I did have an IP address assigned to my ethernet interface( using the
> | ifconfig command)  but I'm unable to ping anybody in my LAN.
> In the 'ifconfig -a' output you posted earlier, the 'em0' (your desired
> interface) interface neither has any IP address assigned to it, nor its UP
> .
> So, if you've assigned an IP address to 'em0', then also make sure its UP,
> by
> doing 'ifconfig em0 up' .
> --
> Ashish Shukla आशीष शुक्ल
> http://wahjava.wordpress.com/
> ·-- ·- ···· ·--- ·- ···- ·- ·--·-· --· -- ·- ·· ·-·· ·-·-·- -·-· --- --
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