On Sat, 07 Feb 2009 13:28:46 -0500, Akenner <slackwarew...@comcast.net> wrote:
> I've been searching on the net for like an hour trying to see how to 
> play a CD on FreeBSD, and normally I'd have just tried mounting it, 
                            ^^^^^^^^ ???
> being from the Linux world, but when I first checked to be sure of the 
> proper way, I found mostly info saying not to mount it at all.

What should it be good for mounting an audio CD? It doesn't have
an ISO-9660 file system on it.

In order to play an audio CD, you can utilize the cdcontrol command
included in the base system:

        % cdcontrol play

Refer to "man cdcontrol" for further options and eventually how to
specify the CD device (if needed).

> So now I'm not sure what is the right way to do it. On two machines each 
> having between 1 - 3 drives to play CDs from, I've tried just loading a 
> CD player app and hitting play, but it doesn't find the CD, and on one 
> machine there is only one drive so it can't be the wrong one.

What does

        % cdcontrol info

say about the media you're trying to play?

> None of the pages I found said it was OK to mount it, and so I'm a 
> little confused how you play CDs, and I've used cdplay as root to make 
> sure I had access since the one app said I couldn't access the CD drive, 
> and nothing has happened.

Permissions of the device file?

        % ll /dev/acd0
        crw-rw-r--  1 root  operator    0, 105 Feb  7 22:32 /dev/acd0
         ^  ^  ^
        These are important!

> How is the normal way of playing a regular audio CD in FreeBSD?

As I mentioned, cdcontrol is a very easy way to do this. Of course, there
are GUI tools that can be handy, e. g. xcd or whatever comes with KDE or
Gnome (if you use this).

Keep in mind that, according to FreeBSD's permission concept, you need
the +r permission on the device file (see /etc/devfs.conf, /etc/devfs.rules).
If you have more than one drive, you can set variables like CDROM to get
rid of things like -f /dev/acd[012].

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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