On Sat, 07 Feb 2009 13:35:56 -0500, Akenner <slackwarew...@comcast.net> wrote:
> I found in the handbook that I could try this:
> /sbin/mount /cdrom
> I then saw this:
> /dev/cd0: device not configured.

This refers to the fact that the device does not contain an ISO-9660
formatted media.

> Apparently typing /sbin first made it give me a different error message, 
> I'm just trying to find hwo to configure a drive now. would 
> /stand/sysinstall work for this?


The "device is configured" via the /etc/fstab file that controls how to
mount the disc, e. g.

        # Device        Mountpoint              FStype  Options         Dump    
        # -----------   ---------------------   ------  -------------   -----   
        /dev/acd0       /cdrom                  cd9660  ro,noauto       0       0

This will "expand" your command

        % mount /cdrom

to something like

        % mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/acd0 /cdrom

Also, keep in mind the permissions: You need +r for the device, and you
have to be the owner of the mount target directory. Furthermore, users
must be allowed to mount media which is controlled by the setting


that is to be put into /etc/sysctl.conf.

But as I mentioned before, you cannot mount an audio CD; imagine that
it's "technically" impossible. :-)

(Of course, this says nothing about that you cannot copy audio tracks,
convert them into OGG/Vorbis or duplicate discs 1:1, which is ALL

A final note: I see you're using /dev/cd0 for your CD drive. What about
using acd0 instead (if it's an ATAPI drive)? You can specify /dev/cd0
as $CDROM if you've got a SCSI device, but then, due to permissions,
I think you need to set proper access rules for the xpt device, too.

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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