On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 06:55:21PM -0800, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 03:30:08PM -0800, Bsd Neophyte wrote:
Think you have been given just about all the advice to give.
It is a bunner, and expensive to solve if you replace bits.

I will give two suggestions.
Is the power supply to your firm/house whatever "clean" ?
Computers don't like dirty power, that is power prone to what I think
experts call grey-outs. They don't like spikes either, momentary
increases in voltage. Do you live in an area prone to thunderstorms?

You can get devices to protect against somne of these things.

My second suggestion is going to sound really weird.
My FreeBSD system disappears into the boonies when I have a screen saver
enabled. That is xscreevsaver. Given enough time, and enough core dumps.
it crashes my system as sure as eggs is eggs. I kind of proved this by
leaving the systen running for days with and without screen saver.
It boonied with the screen saver, it did not wihout.

A few questons. Power supply ? Do you have SCSI disks ? They eat
electricity like it is going out of fashion.

Heat, is the server overheating ?
If you have a modern BIOS it can tell you what the temperature is.
You need to watch what the CPU temp is, because the reaction to over
heating is reboot.

Good luck.



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