On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 10:01, Drew Tomlinson <d...@mykitchentable.net>wrote:

> Jason Garrett wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 18:09, Drew Tomlinson 
>> <d...@mykitchentable.net<mailto:
>> d...@mykitchentable.net>> wrote:
>>    Jason Garrett wrote:
>>        On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 13:30, Drew Tomlinson
>>        <d...@mykitchentable.net <mailto:d...@mykitchentable.net>
>>        <mailto:d...@mykitchentable.net
>>        <mailto:d...@mykitchentable.net>>> wrote:
>>           Jason Garrett wrote:
>>               >snip
>>               I see you tried the zpool import and export, but did you
>>               perform `mkdir /boot/zfs` directly before `zpool export
>>        tank
>>               && zpool import tank` ?
>>               I just have to ask because I did not see that
>>        specified, and
>>               you mention not being able to find zpool.cache.
>>        /boot/zfs is
>>               where zpool.cache hides out.
>>           Yes I did.  However I figured out my problem.  I was
>>        chrooted into
>>           /dist and the zpool.cache was being written to /boot/zfs
>>        (as you
>>           mention).  But because of the chroot, when I checked
>>        /boot/zfs, I
>>           was *really* checking /dist/boot/zfs.  Thus my problem.  :)
>>           However I'm still having difficulty.  I suspect I don't have a
>>           /boot/loader that supports zfs filesystems as I just boot
>>        to the
>>           'OK" prompt.  An 'lsdev' only shows BIOS devices but I've seen
>>           posts on the Net that indicate I should have zfs devices listed
>>           there too if I have a proper /boot/loader.  I've used the
>>        one from
>>           both 7.2-RELEASE.iso and 8.0-BETA1.iso but no luck.  Do you
>>        know
>>           of any way I can confirm or deny my suspicion?
>>        I am in the same spot you are now. I started the process
>>        yesterday but had to quit because it got too late. Apparently
>>        the few who have written these guides have gotten it to work,
>>        but that still eludes me. I'll post back if I get it working
>>        or have any new developments.
>>    Well you're doing better than me.  I've been at this for about 10
>>    days off and on.  :)
>>    Cheers,
>>    Drew
>> Ok, now a few days later and still frustrated. Basically I narrowed my
>> install down to one drive, divided up with gpt. I used a few sections from
>> http://wiki.freebsd.org/ZFSOnRootWithZFSboot - specifially the section on
>> installing the sources from /dist/8.0-BETA1 as well as rebuilding the loader
>> as this guide says.
>> I actually got it to load the kernel, goes through that ok. As soon as it
>> tries to mount the root filesystem, it hangs with the following messages.
>> (Won't respond to the keyboard anymore)
>> -----------
>> Trying to mount root from zfs:zroot
>> If you have invalid mount options, reboot, and first try the following
>> from the loader prompt:
>>            set vfs.root.mountfrom.options=rw (did this,no luck.. also
>> switched to an /etc/fstab layout, still no go)
>> and then remove the invalid mount options from /etc/fstab.
>> Loader Variables:
>> vfs.root.mountfrom=zfs:zroot
>> vfs.root.mountfrom.options=rw,noatime (this is from the /etc/fstab
>> attempt)
>> ----------
>> Then it describes some specifications on how to use the <fstype>:<device>.
>> I just don't get how some are getting this working, yet it comes so hard
>> for others.
>> Drew, I hope you have had better luck than I. I may just give up until it
>> is a viable solution.
> No, you're still doing better than me.  Thanks for the ZFSOnRootWithZFSboot
> <http://wiki.freebsd.org/ZFSOnRootWithZFSboot>  link.  I have basically
> tried rebuilding the loader as described in that guide but did it with 7.2
> sources.  It didn't work.
> My next step is to try with the sources on 8.0-BETA1 DVD iso but every time
> I download the image and attempt to burn with Nero on a Windows machine, I
> am notified by Nero of some error in the image and am offered the
> opportunity to fix or ignore.  I don't understand the error but will
> probably just "ignore" and see if I get a boot.  Nero also thinks it's a CD
> and not DVD.  I don't know if that will be an issue or not.
> I too have been considering giving up but I'm actually learning so much
> about the boot process and how to install FBSD that I kind of enjoy it.
>  I've always relied on sysinstall in the past and then done interesting
> tricks after install to get my filesystems laid out as I want.
> Good luck,
> Drew

Thanks everyone for the awesome input. I will be attempting another install
tonight giving the usb drive thing a shot, as well as seeing if the
partition is active. I'm sure I rebuilt the loader with
"LOADER_ZFS_SUPPORT=YES", as It wouldn't even boot the kernel before I did
this step. Alot of new things to try now, and Drew, I'm with you. I am
actually learing alot about the boot process as well.. it just sucks to
spend 10 hours in one day to have nothing work. :P

Thanks again everyone, I will post back with my results.

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