On Wed, 28 Oct 2009 09:13:02 -0400
PJ <af.gour...@videotron.ca> wrote:

> But to study the manual is beyond the capabilities of anyone ... sure,
> you can read it and study it... but you will forget anything you have
> read almost immediately if you are not applying what you are studying
> at once... there may be some residual information captured by one's
> brain but practical application is about the only way to really learn
> and understand... especially with the help of those who have dared to
> tread there before you... and their help is really invaluable.

Hi PJ,

ok, I tried (I was also trying to offer you support, just a different
kind). There was a lot of irrelevant material in your response but the
part I have quoted shows such a deep misunderstanding of what I was
trying to suggest that I think I'm done. I honestly hope you do get
past your headaches with FreeBSD, one way or another.


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