On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 6:11 AM, Frank Shute <fr...@shute.org.uk> wrote:
> Sorry if this is a bit off-topic.
> I came in the other day to find my workstation powered off. Hitting
> the power on button had no effect as did using another known working
> outlet. I checked all the cables and they seem attached.
> I thought my power supply must have died so I got another, screwed it
> in and again no joy - no sign of life.
> Anybody got any ideas what the problem may be? I'm thinking possibly
> the power on switch but that seems a long shot and there seems no easy
> way to replace it.

I had this happen recently (BTW it was FBSD server ;-) )! I took
_everything_ appart, and then assembled it little by little checking
at each step. Incredibly it just workd after reseating the CPU, RAM,
and re-connecting every single component. Also, I swapped components
with a similar machine for testing which will help you test the
components on a known-working machine.

Good luck,
Alejandro Imass

> My hardware:
> Antec Sonata case.
> Gigabyte board.
> Core 2 duo
> TIA,
> Regards,
> --
>  Frank
>  Contact info: http://www.shute.org.uk/misc/contact.html
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