Tim Judd wrote:
On 3/23/10, Corey John Bukolt <ruinermailchuc...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 11:23:34 +0000 (06:23 CDT) Chris Whitehouse wrote:
When you press the power button does the cpu fan or the power supply fan
spin for a moment then stop? That's a sign that something on or plugged
in to the motherboard has blown. Unplug things and test again.

Just a few days ago, I was helping a friend build a system (with all
brand new components, I might add) and we had this very problem.  After
sticking in the CPU and RAM and hooking up and turning on the PSU, the
green LED on the motherboard turns on.  However, the second the power
button is pressed, everything flashes for a second, then turns back off.
The green LED on the motherboard also remains on.  The only way to get
it to flash again is to turn off the PSU, wait, then turn it back on.
We tried re-seating everything, to no avail.

Reading this thread, someone else mentioned beep codes and that if there
were none, it's most likely a fried motherboard.

Can anyone else confirm this?


Best way to confirm a dead board in any case is those POST diagnosis
cards.  They have a dual-digit LED output that changes depending on
the signal on the wire.  If at any time those dual-digit LEDs stay
permanently on anything OTHER THAN 00 is a failed POST.  If it fails
before it gets a shot at testing RAM or anything, there may be no beep

Always good to have one in a toolkit.
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If it shuts off as described check for a power supply that tests ok but is NOT compatible with the motherboard. Many high end mobo's need a power supply that feeds a steady current. The component detection on the better mobos will shut the board down if it is not the quality tolerance it likes.

We just experienced this here two weeks ago with all new components and the supplier of the components replaced the brand new Power Supply with a better quality one at their expense and the box works fine now. This was a mother board that was not cheap. My wife needed to upgrade for video editing etc. The supplier said they had this problem with several of the better boards.

~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
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