On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 7:30 PM, David Kelly <dke...@hiwaay.net> wrote:
> Gigabit ethernet from a 2.8 GHz P4 to or from MacPro I am only limited by 
> disk data rate. About 60 MB/sec on one end of the disk, more on the other end 
> of the disk.

Did you try realtime monitoring your network interface?

# route -n get <remoteip>
interface: <yourinterface>

# netstat -I <yourinterface> -w 1

Do you see errors on the interface?

# netstat -I <yourinterface>

Another trick to eliminate disk io from the equation is to use nc:

machine1 <freebsd>:
# nc -o -l 2000 > /dev/null

# dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=50 | nc machine1 2000

-Corey Smith
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