On 09/09/10 18:50, Arthur Chance wrote:
On 09/09/10 18:24, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
I want to make it so every file is a seperate symlink in dir2 if and
only if it is a regular file (not a dir) in dir1... the reason is if
the file is unchanged then use symlink but I can rm the symlink and
replace it with a non-symlink:

cpio -pdl

Ack! Too quick to answer. That hard links, not symlinks. (Useful in its own way though.)

cd $SRCDIR; find . -type d | cpio -pd $DESTDIR

will create the directory structure. Linking the files will have to be left as an exercise for the reader as I have to go out. I'd use find for the job, but I'm sure someone will come up with some Perl.
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