At 1:24 PM -0400 9/9/10, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
I want to make it so every file is a seperate symlink in dir2 if and
only if it is a regular file (not a dir) in dir1... the reason is if
the file is unchanged then use symlink but I can rm the symlink and
replace it with a non-symlink:

To show the problem I am attempting to solve:

foo: (owned by fred)

in barney's account:

ln -s ~foo/ foo
rm foo/arf/ack    # Permissioin denied ... it should nuke the symlink
and let me then do something like "touch foo/arf/ack

Note there are over 500 files upto 5 dirs deep in the dir I want to
symlink from.... the final application is our version control system
(devel/aegis) keeps seperate repos for different source code projects
(for obvious reasons) and we want to make it so in normal operation we
can symlink tne source tree from one project into an other but if we
want to make a local modificiation to the "foreign" source tree all we
have do is (sorry for the aegis commands but I think the idea is

I believe early X11-distributions had a script called "lndir"
would pretty much do exactly what you want here.  And then
there was a companion command called "breakln" which would
remove the symlink and make a copy of the original file to
replace it.

I don't know if X11 still has these commands (I haven't
installed X11 in at least 10 years), but I have my own
versions of them.  Let me know if you can't find them, and
I'll send you copies of my scripts.

(actually, I'm not 100% sure I got these from X11.  But I got
them from somewhere in the mid-1990's)

Garance Alistair Drosehn     =     
Senior Systems Programmer               or
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;             Troy, NY;  USA
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