In the last episode (Mar 25), Louis LeBlanc said:
> That sounds right, but what if the file last changed on the remote
> machine?  Will rsync copy the newer remote copy to the local machine
> when necessary and copy the newer local copy to the remote machine
> when necessary?  This is the problem, really.  Running rsync on both
> machines won't do any good, because the remote machine can't come
> thru the firewall.

You run it on one machine twice, once for each direction.  From the

      To synchronize my samba source trees I use the following:
              rsync -avuzb --exclude '*~' samba:samba/ .
              rsync -Cavuzb . samba:samba/

The only drawback is rsync will never delete files; you have to
manually remove them from both machines manually.

        Dan Nelson

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