On Wed, 9 Nov 2011 14:02:07 -0500
Robert Huff articulated:

>       Since this has been mentioned, I though I'd take the
> opportunity ...
> Polytropon writes:
> >  You have X without HAL and DBUS? Use xorg.conf because this
> >  has worked for many years to centralize X configuration.
> >  
> >  You have X with HAL and DBUS, but don't want to use it? Reflect
> >  this choice in xorg.conf and continue with previous settings.
> >  
> >  You have X with HAL and DBUS, but some things aren't detected
> >  properly? Dive into the fun of XML and enter your settings in
> >  the appropriate files, whichever they currently may be. :-)
>       I have two systems - one Windows, one FreeBSD - that share
> monitor, keyboard, and mouse via a kvm.  FreeBSD had both HAL and
> DBUS installed and activated in rc.conf.
>       Scenario: I'm working on the FreeBSD system, and switch to the
> WIndows system (push the button on the kvm) everything's fine.
>       But when I switch back, I an now sitting at the Xdm prompt;
> I'm guessing this means X has crashed.
>       I experimented a little and discovered if I disable DBUS after
> initial boot, this no longer happens.  (It makes some other things
> unhappy, but I can live with that.)
>       Anyone have anyideas what might be happening and how to
> unbreak this?

I have virtually the same setup. A wireless keyboard/mouse that
transmits to a USB device. The Windows systems activates virtually
instantaneously; however, the FreeBSD system hangs for five seconds or
more before it becomes responsive. Other than that, I have not noticed
any problems (yet). Both HAL and DBUS are activated via the rc.conf file
and I have not made any special modifications to the system config

Jerry ✌

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